Tina's Art Studio
Welcome to my studio....           
I attempt to capture nature's
beauty through drawing, etching,  
felting, carving, sculpting,
photography, painting, dying and
Etched Glass
I love texture and form and have
always had a deep appreciation
for any art form that is visually
stimulating.   My work gives me
great pleasure.  With each
project I take in the curves,
edges, angles, colors and
shadows of a subject and then
translate the experience into a
physical object that can be
displayed on a wall or table - or
simply held in one's hand.
My subjects are generally items
found in a natural setting - trees,
barns, water, stone, wood,
flowers, birds, animals, fish, etc.  
With each project I strive to
produce an image that reflects
the beauty and rhythm of nature,
stirs the senses, and rewards the
spirit.  I believe that nature, itself,
is far more beautiful than
anything we can contrive
independently, and I remain
dedicated to preserving nature's
beauty in whatever medium I use.
My art education began with
studies at the Baum Art School
in Allentown, PA in 1963.  My
interest in photography didn't
begin until 1996 when I began
taking pictures of striking objects
and scenes from which to sketch
and paint.  From my first photo
shoot I was hooked.  On that day
the principles of my art training,
experimental nature and
appreciation for technology
came together as one.
Black & White
Color Images
Colored Pencil &
Graphite Pencil Drawings
More recently, I've developed a
fascination for colored pencil,  
carving and sculpting egg
shells, spinning wool into yarn
and needle felting.  Each
medium has it's own properties
and each project and design
provides a new set of challenges.
Carved and Sculpted Egghell Gallery
Carved Duck Eggshells
Carved Goose Eggshells
Sculpted Emu Eggshells
Sculpted Ostrich Eggshells
Carved Rhea Eggshells
Eggshell Jewelry
Colored and Graphite Pencil
Etched Glass
Color Photographs
For information send an e-mail to:
Black & White Photographs
Learn How Eggs Are Carved
Tina At Work
Work Displayed at:
The Red House Gallery, Black Mountain
(Swannanoa Valley Fine Arts League)

The Old Depot, Black Mountain
Article About Tina's Studio
Voice of America Video on Tina's Carving

Now Located In
Black Mountain, NC